Conversapp Blog: Marketing Messages in Instagram DM

Instagram DM vs Emails for Time-Sensitive Promotions: Fashion Brand Case

Are you tired of your time-sensitive promotions getting lost in the crowded email inboxes of your fashion-forward audience? It's time to explore a new realm of possibilities with Instagram Marketing Messages.

Email marking is not what it used to be 2010’s

Traditional email marketing has its drawbacks, especially when it comes to time-sensitive promotions in the fast-paced world of fashion. With overflowing inboxes and high competition, it's challenging to cut through the noise and capture your audience's attention. Emails, while once effective, often get lost in the shuffle, leading to lackluster engagement and missed opportunities for meaningful connections.

The Power of Instagram DM

Enter Marketing Messages in Instagram DM (previously - “recurring notifications”), a game-changing feature that allows fashion brands to connect with their audience in a more impactful way. By leveraging the direct messaging capabilities of Instagram, brands can deliver personalized and time-sensitive promotions directly to their customers' DMs. This approach offers several advantages over traditional email campaigns.

↗️ Higher Open Rates

With Instagram DMs, your messages are more likely to be seen and engaged with by your audience. Unlike emails that can get buried in an overflowing inbox, DMs have a higher chance of capturing immediate attention.

↗️ Higher CTR (click-through-rate)

With Marketing Messages in Instagram DM, you can include clickable links, product tags, and quick response options that make it easy for customers to navigate through your promotion and access the desired content or products. Moreover, the real-time nature of DMs allows you to engage in immediate conversations with your audience, addressing their questions, concerns, or specific interests related to the time-sensitive promotion. This personalized interaction increases the likelihood of customers clicking through to explore further, take advantage of the promotion, or make a purchase.

Use Ingagr to create effective time-sensitive promotions

To maximize the impact of your time-sensitive promotions in Instagram DM, you need a reliable tool by your side. Ingagr is the ultimate ally for fashion brands looking to elevate their marketing game. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Ingagr simplifies the management of opt-ins, targeted broadcasts, and personalized messages. It empowers you to create compelling campaigns, nurture customer relationships, and achieve remarkable results.